Mind Body Improv (September-October) [Sundays] 


This class is limited to 14 students.

Nicole Asava, performer, and improvisation and yoga teacher, guides you in this four-week improvisation course that explores how powerful your body can be in comedy. Through a combination of improv, clown, dance (!!!), breathwork, and meditative exercises, we’ll experience how a clear mind and a calmer nervous system can sharpen your comedic abilities. There will be a performance of a custom improv form at the end of this course, and it’s going to be unlike anything you’ve ever experienced! Clear mind, fun bodies, can’t lose!

Prerequisite: Completion of BCC Improv Level 1 or equivalent experience. Must be open to silly movement, dress to wiggle!

4-Week Class: Sundays 12-3 PM, September 22nd - October 13th

  • Note: Class may end between 2:30 - 3:00 PM depending on the number of enrollments.

Class Show: 7:00pm. Wednesday. October 16th. Eris Deep Space

Where: The BCC Doghouse, Studio #2 (137 Montrose Ave)


Nicole's class is the most fun I’ve had exploring my craft in a long while.


Improv 101 (October - November) Tuesdays 7-10pm

$500 (Google for Groupon and sales)

Students will learn the fundamentals of improvisation including agreement, active listening, portraying characters, playing to the top of your intelligence, and group mind. These concepts will act as the building blocks for subsequent classes as students learn to develop their comedic voice. 

In Improv 101, students will learn the fundamentals of improvisation. Through the use of improv games, group exercises and scene work students will be introduced to the core tenets of long-form improv with a focus on characters, building a strong base reality, listening, agreement and playing to the top of your intelligence. These concepts will act as the building blocks for subsequent classes as students learn to develop their comedic voice.